
As this is the first issue, there aren't any letters. However, I'll have one just for the heck of it...

   Your magazine is great! I just want to know how to write a letter to the editor!!!!!!
            - Someone, Roswell, NM.

    Just e-mail your letter to dantheox@mac-addict.com. Couldn't be simpler!

   I wrote a really cool thing for REALBasic, and I want it reviewed! What do I do?

    Just e-mail your letter to dantheox@mac-addict.com. Couldn't be simpler!

   I did a test and it had some surprising results. How can I tell you about them so that they're in the news?

    (Guess what...) Just e-mail your letter to dantheox@mac-addict.com. Couldn't be simpler!