
Welcome to the first issue of REALBasic Monthly! I got the idea for this e-zine (I hate that word, so from here on out, I'll call this a magazine) on a trip. It was after I had downloaded a lot of REALBasic stuff from the REALBasic café, and I was excited. Then, I realized, there was no publication of any sort that could reccomend products, or rate them. That's what I
"Something like that will be extremely useful" intend to do with this magazine. Something like that will be extremely useful for us. A magazine that lets developers know what's happened, and what products are worth getting will allow developers to program more effectively. That's what this magazine is all about, an that is what I intend to accomplish by making what is, at this point, the ONLY Realbasic magazine.

  Now that you know what will be done in this magazine, I'll mention what I do. I'm a student with a knack for computers. I've been programming for four years, and have mostly stuck with variations of BASIC, though I also do OneClick, JavaScript, and a minimal amount of C++. I'm also great with web pages. (As you can probably tell by the fact that this article has pull quotes!) I started off programming in GW-BASIC on a 386, but soon moved up to QBasic. After that, I moved to Visual Basic, where I stayed for two years. My problem as a programmer was that I could only program for Windows, but was a devout MacAddict. I tried Chipmunk Basic, but I thought it sucked. Then, I tried FutureBasic, and hated it. I tried a GUI
language with MVSB, but I thought that was horrible too. Then, I tried CrossBasic, and knew that I had found the right one. I started using CrossBasic when it was at DR1r35, and have been using it ever since. I personally think that it still being in a state of being updated every two weeks is great. E-mail a request to Real software, and what do you know, within two weeks, it could be in the program. That's just not going to happen with Visual Basic. "I started off programming in GW-BASIC on a 386"