
Fact Comparisons

Posted in Uncategorized at 4:30 pm by danvk

This past fall, my group launched a new feature on Google Search that we call “Fact Comparisons”. It triggers for many numeric fact queries, for example distance from the sun to mars:

Distance from the sun to Mars

The idea is that, by showing you answers to related questions (“how far is jupiter from the sun?”), we can help you contextualize the answer to your original question. The number “141,600,000 miles” is hard to fathom, but it makes more sense when you see that it’s between Earth (92.96M mi) and Jupiter (483.8M mi).

If you click on one of the related images, you’ll launch into a Carousel filled with related facts:

Related facts

Most numeric facts will trigger this feature. The most popular numeric facts are people’s ages and heights. A strip of famous people’s ages is pretty interesting:

Justin Bieber's age

A few other fun ones:

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