
Adium 1.0 is out!

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:50 pm by danvk

Go pick up your copy of Adium 1.0, the new release of the greatest IM program ever. It’s Mac-only and it’s beautiful. I’ve been using it with only one complaint for at least 4-5 years (yes, it’s been in beta that long). That one annoyance was non-functioning AIM file transfers, which they claim to have fixed. We’ll see, they’ve claimed that before. Here’s what it looks like:


I’m using the “Concise” layout with the “Decay 2.0″ color scheme. I enlarged the font from 9->10 pt, reduced the spacing to 3px, and added a 6px gutter on the left. I think it looks good, very compact and understated, but quite clear and useable.

Update: Despite looking great, file transfer is still AWOL. Shoot.

1 Comment

  1. nayema said,

    February 13, 2007 at 11:04 am

    hehe … “very compact and understated, but quite clear and useable.” I love that you talk like that :)